That's it. That's all. AB 2109 doesn't take away "parent choice" or "attack legal vaccine exemptions" or "force parents into a relationship" or any of the other specious objections the anti-vaccine forces, lead by the National Vaccine (mis)Information Center (NVIC) VIC and the Canary Party, have ginned up.
The action you need to take is to fax and email the members of the Senate Appropriations Committee, tell them why you support AB 2109, and ask them to join you. A draft letter is at the bottom of this post. It is also available as a Word document on the Facebook page,
Members (links lead to web page with contact form; email addresses where available. Fax numbers below.)
- Senator Christine Kehoe (Chair)
- Senator Mimi Walters (Vice Chair)
- Senator Elaine Alquist
- Senator Bob Dutton
- Senator Ted W. Lieu
- Senator Curren Price
- Senator Darrell Steinberg
- Staff Director: Bob Franzoia
- Consultants: Marie Liu, Brendan McCarthy, Mark McKenzie, Jolie Onodera, Maureen Ortiz and Jacqueline Wong-Hernandez
- Assistants: Jennifer Douglas and Lydia McKim
- Phone: (916) 651-4101
- Room: 2206
So far, this is what we know:
Silent or not stating position:
Senator Christine Kehoe (Dem) (Chair) Fax: 916-327-2188
Senator Elaine Alquist (Dem) Fax: 916-324-0283
Position unknown
Senator Ted W. Lieu (Dem) Fax: 916-323-6056
Senator Curren Price (Dem) Fax: (916) 445-8899
Senator Darrell Steinberg (Dem) Fax: 916-323-2263
Leaning toward opposition
Senator Bob Dutton (Rep) Fax: 916-327-2272
In opposition
Senator Mimi Walters (Rep) (Vice Chair) Fax: 916-445-9754
If any of these senators represent you, you may also wish to contact the Senator via phone, to express why you support AB 2109.
Draft letter for your use. Feel free to copy and paste, or you can download a Word doc version from the Facebook page,
July 30, 2012
Senator Christine Kehoe, Chair Fax: 916-327-2188
Senator Mimi Walters, Vice Chair Fax: 916-445-9754
Senator Elaine Alquist Fax: 916-324-0283
Senator Bob Dutton Fax: 916-327-2272
Senator Ted W. Lieu Fax: 916-323-6056
Senator Curren Price Fax: (916) 445-8899
Senator Darrell Steinberg, Senate President pro tem Fax: 916-323-2263
Dear Senator [name]
I am writing to ask you to vote in favor of AB 2109 when it comes before the Senate Appropriations Committee on August 5, 2012.
The current law is extremely lax. It merely requires that the parent sign the statement below:
AB 2109 is very simple. It merely requires that if a parent wishes to send her child to school without the required vaccines the parent must document having had a face-to-face conversation about vaccine risks and benefits with a licensed health care provider.
I support this bill for several reasons. There are wide variations in rates of Personal Belief Exemptions (PBE). Some public schools have rates as high as 81%. Children who are unvaccinated against measles are 22 to 224 times more likely to contract disease. This represents a cost to government and to individuals: the 2008 San Diego measles outbreak was caused by an unvaccinated child with a PBE; eight of the nine measles-infected children old enough to be vaccinated had PBEs. It cost about $177,000 to contain; the figure does not include the hospitalization costs for several of the children or parents’ lost wages.
According to figures published by the California Department of Education, there were 12,256 incoming kindergarteners with PBEs in the 2011-2012 school year. (see
I was on a conference call with Dr. Pan on Tuesday, July 24, 2012. In that call, Dr. Pan explained that his sense is that many parents choose the PBE option out of convenience or fear, rather than conviction. The student may have fallen behind in one or more of the required vaccines due to lack of time, access to medical care, or financial issues. The parent then takes the option of signing the PBE at the time of school entry out of convenience. In other cases, parents may be unsure of the value of one or more vaccines, and rather than discuss these concerns with a trained health care provider, will sign the PBE. AB 2109 will address both these issues.
The question for your committee is, what will it cost the state if AB 2109 becomes law? An AB 2109 opponent claimed that it would cost “millions”. If “millions” means $2 million, that means that each PBE at 2011-2012 rates would cost the state around $163.00, which is a ridiculously high figure.
It is my sense that the cost to California will be modest, and would be somewhat offset by savings in public health expenditures. Without examining each of the 7,327 schools in the data table cited above, schools with a high percentage of low-SES students tend to have a higher rate of fully-vaccinated students, compared to schools in high-SES areas. The data on private schools are equivocal; those influenced by anthroposophical notions or Waldorf philosophy tend to have high PBE rates while more main-stream private schools tend to have high rates of fully-vaccinated students.
I hope you will agree with me that this bill is a benefit to California’s health.
Silent or not stating position:
Senator Christine Kehoe (Dem) (Chair) Fax: 916-327-2188
Senator Elaine Alquist (Dem) Fax: 916-324-0283
Position unknown
Senator Ted W. Lieu (Dem) Fax: 916-323-6056
Senator Curren Price (Dem) Fax: (916) 445-8899
Senator Darrell Steinberg (Dem) Fax: 916-323-2263
Leaning toward opposition
Senator Bob Dutton (Rep) Fax: 916-327-2272
In opposition
Senator Mimi Walters (Rep) (Vice Chair) Fax: 916-445-9754
If any of these senators represent you, you may also wish to contact the Senator via phone, to express why you support AB 2109.
Draft letter for your use. Feel free to copy and paste, or you can download a Word doc version from the Facebook page,
[insert your letterhead here]
July 30, 2012
Senator Christine Kehoe, Chair Fax: 916-327-2188
Senator Mimi Walters, Vice Chair Fax: 916-445-9754
Senator Elaine Alquist Fax: 916-324-0283
Senator Bob Dutton Fax: 916-327-2272
Senator Ted W. Lieu Fax: 916-323-6056
Senator Curren Price Fax: (916) 445-8899
Senator Darrell Steinberg, Senate President pro tem Fax: 916-323-2263
re: Support for AB 2109
Dear Senator [name]
I am writing to ask you to vote in favor of AB 2109 when it comes before the Senate Appropriations Committee on August 5, 2012.
The current law is extremely lax. It merely requires that the parent sign the statement below:

AB 2109 is very simple. It merely requires that if a parent wishes to send her child to school without the required vaccines the parent must document having had a face-to-face conversation about vaccine risks and benefits with a licensed health care provider.
I support this bill for several reasons. There are wide variations in rates of Personal Belief Exemptions (PBE). Some public schools have rates as high as 81%. Children who are unvaccinated against measles are 22 to 224 times more likely to contract disease. This represents a cost to government and to individuals: the 2008 San Diego measles outbreak was caused by an unvaccinated child with a PBE; eight of the nine measles-infected children old enough to be vaccinated had PBEs. It cost about $177,000 to contain; the figure does not include the hospitalization costs for several of the children or parents’ lost wages.
According to figures published by the California Department of Education, there were 12,256 incoming kindergarteners with PBEs in the 2011-2012 school year. (see
I was on a conference call with Dr. Pan on Tuesday, July 24, 2012. In that call, Dr. Pan explained that his sense is that many parents choose the PBE option out of convenience or fear, rather than conviction. The student may have fallen behind in one or more of the required vaccines due to lack of time, access to medical care, or financial issues. The parent then takes the option of signing the PBE at the time of school entry out of convenience. In other cases, parents may be unsure of the value of one or more vaccines, and rather than discuss these concerns with a trained health care provider, will sign the PBE. AB 2109 will address both these issues.
The question for your committee is, what will it cost the state if AB 2109 becomes law? An AB 2109 opponent claimed that it would cost “millions”. If “millions” means $2 million, that means that each PBE at 2011-2012 rates would cost the state around $163.00, which is a ridiculously high figure.
It is my sense that the cost to California will be modest, and would be somewhat offset by savings in public health expenditures. Without examining each of the 7,327 schools in the data table cited above, schools with a high percentage of low-SES students tend to have a higher rate of fully-vaccinated students, compared to schools in high-SES areas. The data on private schools are equivocal; those influenced by anthroposophical notions or Waldorf philosophy tend to have high PBE rates while more main-stream private schools tend to have high rates of fully-vaccinated students.
I hope you will agree with me that this bill is a benefit to California’s health.
Give 'em an inch and they'll take a mile
ReplyDelete"Dr. Pan explained that his sense is that many parents choose the PBE option out of convenience or fear, rather than conviction."
ReplyDeleteThis is pure bullshit. All the parents I know have spent a lot of time reviewing the literature and come to the conclusion that vaccination belongs in the past as voodoo.
It's the uneducated who trot along for the jab, the arrogant nurse just gets on with it bypassing all consent laws.
For Pete's sake grow up and stop spreading disinformation.
Hmmm ... I would say hello pot meet kettle, but the blogger is relaying accurate information in an adult manner while you are spreading inaccurate information in a childish manner.
DeleteReading a lot of inaccurate information does not make one educated. The people with a real education know that vaccines are one of the true miracles of modern medicine and that hopefully more will come in the future.
Anonymous: Prove to us that requiring parents to consult with their child's physician to learn about the benefits of childhood vaccines...and the risks for "opting out"...does not have a positive impact on the percentage of kids who are fully immunized.
DeleteIt sounds to me that you and your pals in the anti-vaccine movement are running scared. You are afraid for parents to get reliable information about immunizations...something that they don't get from the notorious anti-vaccine websites.
Making an informed choice is about looking at all the evidence. Promoting one view of vaccination is propaganda.
DeleteIt's a great opportunity to put the full facts on the table.
Medical peer review is not reliable, you only have to look at the pandemic flu mythology to see that but because you are a vaccine believer you can't even look at it!
Promoting one's negative view of vaccination is propaganda...especially when the view is from someone who is clueless about immunology, vaccines and the diseases they prevent.
DeleteThere was no pandemic flu mythology. The same flu that caused a serious pandemic in the past resurged and everyone was nervous. Instead it did not cause a pandemic and taught us a lot about how the flu evades our immune system by antigenic drift and how a single antibody to one of the antigens can save lives.
Deletecheese on bread Pooper, more of this medico bullshit speak. So how did the virus teach you? What it showed us was that the CDC had no idea what it was doing, nor the NIH and that it could con most of the western governments into paying for an untested useless 'drug' that made loads of kids narcoleptic, but that's ok the governments had to underwrite the drug to give immunity to the wankers that made it!
DeleteSo considering they got it wrong with SARS, avian flu, swine woo when exactly are we going to be greatful that these lab rats have saved the world?
How much of your shit do you believe or do you just make it up as you go along!
The only papers supporting this Ponzi scam is dunny roll!
Considering your qualifications you know exactly what I mean!
You have no idea what my qualifications are. Do you believe any of the nonsense you spew? You just make things up as you go along.
Delete"You have no idea what my qualifications are." Pooper, what 100yds breast stroke? I am guessing, am I close?
Delete"There was no pandemic flu mythology" Pooper, well yes because there was no pandemic flu, I'll give you that one.
DeleteThe flu is pandemic every year. I guess you have to understand the meaning of the word before you can make a coherent statement about it. And, no I am not a swimmer.
DeleteAnonymous appears to be British, judging by the use of "jabs".
ReplyDeleteWhile there is data on vaccine uptake rates for California (1), I am not aware of any objective data on the reasons parents sign the Personal Belief Exemption (PBE). Pan's remarks were possibly drawn from his work as a pediatrician and possibly from conversations with school nurses.
Anonymous's claim that All the parents I know have spent a lot of time reviewing the literature is merely anecdote, not data. It is also the fallacy of the biased sample (2)
Anonymous's claim that vaccination belongs in the past as voodoo is not based in evidence.
Liz appears to be bonkers, judging by the word 'vaccine'
DeleteShe is not aware of 'objective data' either!
She is suffering from the 'septic fallacy' that is the one of the biasedly simple.
Liz's claim that voodoo belongs in the the past is pure vaccination and not based on turkey! Dutz
bring on the Gorker
[citation needed], Anonymous
DeleteTo many vaccines I expect it has crossed her blood brain barrier and she is now clearly bonkers.
DeleteInsults, again anonymous?
DeleteYou still can't form a coherent argument then, so you resort to childish insults.
If you are the typical antivaxxer, then I suppose that the bill will pass, since I doubt the California representatives would give one whit towards your ilk's uneducated and childish opinions.
The bill will 'pass' because you need a fraudulent law to mandate vaccination. Any ordinary person who can read can see there is no efficacy evidence and that the whole process is bullshit. Relying on political mandate instead of the process standing on its own merit is the game of woo and dishonesty and Mcscience.
Delete"I support this bill for several reasons. There are wide variations in rates of Personal Belief Exemptions (PBE)" Liz Dutz
ReplyDeleteI shit you not, it is your personal belief that vaccination is a positive intervention and your personal belief mantra is putting my kids at risk!
All parents who mistakenly decide that vaccination is a good idea should be sat down and given the raw data from all the studies on vaccine 'efficacy'. My tax contributions are paying for all the kids that are having their lives ruined by this maddness.
I have read a lot of studies on vaccine efficacy and I am quite happy with the results. No lives are ruined by vaccines, that is madness. you think you could refrain from the vile filthy language.
DeleteIs your knowledge base about immunology and vaccine-preventable diseases non-existent, and your silly arguments so bereft of facts...that you must resort to using these vile and filthy words?
"I have read a lot of studies on vaccine efficacy and I am quite happy with the results. No lives are ruined by vaccines, that is madness." Sully the turd
DeleteWell it must be ok, what did you read? the goons?
So do you believe in pandemic flu woo or did you avoid getting your shot?
Are you referring to the H1N1 strain of influenza anonymous?
DeleteShow us your citations to prove that it wasn't a pandemic.
(hint) Look up the word "pandemic" doesn't mean what you think it does.
Pandemic means 'opportunity to shit the world with end of world fallacies and then sell them the solution'
DeleteFor pubmed insert 'bible'
[citation needed], Anonymous
Delete"I have read a lot of studies on vaccine efficacy and I am quite happy" Sully. Well that's very nice, remember the weapons of mass distruction that lead to war in the Middle East? We have got to a point in history Poopypants where there is and issue with just believing everything you read in an Elsivier journal!
DeleteStill relying on insults instead of actual facts, Anonymous?
DeleteIf pointing out that medical peer review is fraudulent with regard to vaccine efficacy then I am guilty of 'insults', one day you will have to take responsibility for your lack of engagement and you may be forgiven by better people than yourself.
DeleteMedical 'facts' based on 'peer review' are about as far as you can get from facts. Both the Ex editors of the BMJ and NEJM went on record saying 'you can believe nothing published in medical peer reviewed journals due to funding bias'. Considering you opinion is based on this woo your attempts to divert any discussion into polemics is a typical Oracism and needs pointing out.
Delete"Anonymous's claim that vaccination belongs in the past as voodoo is not based in evidence." Dutz
ReplyDeleteSorry Lizzy but vaccination is voodoo! Particularily the last one -2. Based on unrealistic or delusive assumptions: voodoo economics.
voo·doo (vd)
n. pl. voo·doos
1. A religion practiced chiefly in Caribbean countries, especially Haiti, syncretized from Roman Catholic ritual elements and the animism and magic of slaves from West Africa, in which a supreme God rules a large pantheon of local and tutelary deities, deified ancestors, and saints, who communicate with believers in dreams, trances, and ritual possessions. Also called vodoun.
2. A charm, fetish, spell, or curse holding magic power for adherents of voodoo.
3. A practitioner, priest, or priestess of voodoo.
4. Deceptive or delusive nonsense.
tr.v. voo·dooed, voo·doo·ing, voo·doos
To place under the influence of a spell or curse; bewitch.
1. Of or relating to the beliefs or practices of voodoo.
2. Based on unrealistic or delusive assumptions: voodoo economics.
There is ample, factual evidence that vaccines reduce the incidence of the diseases they target. Anonymous's belief that they don't is closer to voodoo, really.
DeleteHow about staying on-topic anonymous, and laying off the personal insults? The subject thread is the passage of California AB 2109.
DeleteMy god it must be serious, they've brought in the Ladypants to fend off the attack!
DeleteWith both hands tied behind my back...I can beat you at your game of aimless inanities posts, anonymous.
DeleteWhere are the citations for all your "opinion" about science anonymous.
Do you have any university conferred degree in any science?
Do you possess any professional licenses in the health care fields?
Do you have any work experiences within a laboratory or within a health care setting?
I confess I have not been initiated into the church of mediwoo, I am not a beliver in the flulurgy either.
DeleteI do not believe in the devine CDC either, so I have a long way to go.
I don't have a bank account either!
[citation needed], Anonymous
Delete"With both hands tied behind my back...I can beat you at your game of aimless inanities posts, anonymous." Ladypants
DeleteWell that's obvious, your continual bleating that vaccine developer can't be wrong, ever, never, is a fairly aimless. When the biggest ever field RCT on TB vaccine shows more people got TB in the vaccined group and last years 96 season study on the flu vaccine by the Cochraine Collaboration, the biggest medical database in the world showed that claims for flu jab efficacy were implausable at best I and many others are stunned at your lack of engagement.
You are the kind of scientist that 17th Centuary religious quacks employed to keep the populous in continual fear states.
Keep it coming, it's only gong farming.
Can't answer lilady's questions honestly, only relying on insults and ad hominems?
DeleteGuess you admit you cannot answer them, Anonymous.
So how exactly is 'immunology' not a medical peer reviewed journal, would I find it under cooking? or maybe witchcraft.
DeleteInterestingly, Immunology recently ran an article telling us that antibodies have little or no relationship to immunity so perhaps seeing as this totally shafts the 'theory of vaccination' maybe this journal has been excommunicated from the church of medical woo?
While the medical, pharmaceutical, and vaccine industries are busy pushing new vaccines for practically every condition under the sun, a new study published in the journal Immunity completely deconstructs the entire vaccination theory. It turns out that the body's natural immune systems, comprised of both innate and adaptive components, work together to ward off disease without the need for antibody-producing vaccines.
The theory behind vaccines is that they mimic infection by spurring B cells, one of the two major types of white blood cells in the immune system, to produce antibodies as part of the adaptive immune system. It is widely believed that these vaccine-induced antibodies, which are part of the more specific adaptive immune system, teach the immune system how to directly respond to an infection before the body becomes exposed to it.
But the new research highlights the fact that innate immunity plays a significant role in fighting infections, and is perhaps more important than adaptive immunity at preventing or fighting infections. In tests, adaptive immune system antibodies were shown unable to fight infection by themselves, which in essence debunks the theory that vaccine-induced antibodies serve any legitimate function in preventing or fighting off infection.
"Our findings contradict the current view that antibodies are absolutely required to survive infection with viruses like VSV (vesicular stomatitis virus), and establish an unexpected function for B cells as custodians of macrophages in antiviral immunity," said Dr. Uldrich H. von Andrian from Harvard Medical School. "It will be important to further dissect the role of antibodies and interferons in immunity against similar viruses that attack the nervous system, such as rabies, West Nile virus, and Encephalitis."
As explained by Dr. Russell Blaylock , vaccines not only do not work as advertised, but they actually damage the body's innate immunity. Rather than teach the body how to respond to infections, vaccines actually inhibit the immune system's ability to produce TH2-type cytokines, and suppress cellular immunity, which is how the body protects itself against deadly viruses and bacteria.
So once again, the myth that vaccinations serve any sort of legitimate medical purpose has been deconstructed by breakthrough science. Regardless of whether or not the mainstream medical community wants to admit it, pro-vaccine ideology is increasingly finding itself in the dustheap of outmoded pseudoscience.
The main cornerstone of 'evidence' supporting the continued use of vaccine practice is 'medical peer reviewed research'.
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately this is an artificial construct Honey and drug companies like GSK who have just been find £3 billion for fraudulently submitting efficacy data for drug trials and admitted they knew they had done it because they included the fine in the costings, produce most of the data you refer to as evidence!
It takes religious belief to keep quoting bullshit as evidence and dismissing clinical facts Lizzy dear and judging by the lack of activity here no one is listening!
Just because pharmaceutical companies are as corrupt as any other large corporation has nothing to do with vaccines. They are not trying to push new vaccines through and do not do much of the research involved in vaccinology because it is not a very lucrative field.
DeleteSo they are corrupt! Are you so into woo that you are happy to accept this! How desparate is that! LOL
DeleteSo getting almost every country in the world to purchase flu vaccines that were untested and underwrite any claims is not the work of fraud!
How many corrupt drug companies do you need to make a cohort, this is like reading the bible!
Well, again this is just a lack of understanding on your part. Influenza vaccines have passed rigorous safety trials. Each year different strains of influenza circulate during the cold and flu season so different strains have to be incorporated into the influenza vaccine. The H1N1 vaccine is no different. It did not require new testing. The only fraud is someone like you making such important decisions based on a whole lot of misinformation.
DeleteI am into science, not woo, but I am not surprised that you might be as confused about the meaning of words as you are about vaccinology. Altria is a very corrupt company, probably more so than most pharmaceutical companies. Did it stop you from buying their cheese when they owned Kraft for most of the last 30 years?
" Influenza vaccines have passed rigorous safety trials." Uh the pandemic flu vaccine wasn't even tested. Last years 96 season review on the flu vaccine found that the claims for efficacy were implausible at best!
DeleteSo you are a flu believer then Pooper? You can keep that bollocks to yourself then. 40 years of study by the Cold and Flu Unit in lab conditions spraying cold and flu virus up volunteers noses only ever was able at best to provoke a mild version in 3/32. That's not even placebo Pooper.
So that means the 'contagen theory of flu' is woo.
Maybe we should just go straight to the chase and call you a woodemic theorist!
You are ridiculous. You are the one into the woo, sorry.
DeleteNot being able to read why vaccinations don't work, fail to provide any protection or kill people is a problem here Pooper, you are so in denial of evidence it's shameful. 40 years of study by a government science research unit cannot prove the contagen theory of colds and flu and you still prefer to believe the earth is flat!
DeleteI suggest a cleanse programme may just save you.
Delete[citation needed]
96 season study by the cochraine collaboration last year showed that claims for flu jab efficacy were 'implausible at best'. You can look this up but because you are a vaccine believer it's going to be a hard read Lilady.
Delete"main-stream private schools tend to have high rates of fully-vaccinated students."
ReplyDeleteThat's cos Pappa sits on the board of the companies that makes the damn stuff!
"I hope you will agree with me that this bill is a benefit to California’s health."
What would benefit the health of the world is a proper discussion on vaccine efficacy failure, that's what the data tells us. If the discussion was balanced this bill would be of honest intent.
Look at the chaos in India with Bill Gates variant Polio, caused by the vaccine, twice as deadly as wild polio and clinically the same disease but only in those who got the vaccine.
Parents need to know these facts Liz, ask why this AB2109 only looks at 'positive data', making and informed choice is about reviewing all the data.
"Bill Gates variant Polio"? Got any papers to cite? Any, you know, evidence?
DeleteBill Gates does not make vaccines and the vaccine derived polio is the live attenuated polio virus that has mutated back to the wild type pathogenic form. It is not more deadly or new it is the same. If India continues to be polio free and only vaccine derived polio infects are found than they can switch to the killed polio vaccination as the US has done.
DeleteAnonymous...I've already addressed NPFP (Non-Polio Flaccid Paralysis) on another blog, where you keep posting about India.
DeleteHere again, India has not had a new case of polio since January 2011. The number of cases of polio YTD is 121...a dramatic decrease which leaves us with the hope to eradicate this scourge from the face of the earth.
Hope all you like, I am more interested in science than fiction Ladypants. If you are going to keep posting medical anecdotes it's going to get boring.
DeleteThe mainstream media has been busy hailing the supposed success of India's polio vaccine campaign over the past few years, with many news outlets now claiming that the disease has been fully eradicated throughout the country. But what these misinformation puppets are failing to disclose is the fact that cases of non-polio acute flaccid paralysis (NPAFP), a much more serious condition than that caused by polio, have skyrocketed as a result of the vaccine's widespread administration.
A recent report published in the Indian Journal of Medical Ethics (IJME) explains that, clinically, NPAFP is indistinguishable from polio paralysis. But according to the Office of Medical & Scientific Justice (OMSJ), NPAFP is twice as deadly as polio paralysis, and yet was not even an issue in India prior to the rollout of the massive polio vaccine campaigns.
In 2011, for instance, the year in which India was declared to be polio-free, there were 47,500 known cases of NPAFP, which is a shockingly high figure under the circumstances. And based on data collected from India's National Polio Surveillance Project, cases of NPAFP across India rose dramatically in direct proportion to the number of polio vaccines administered, which suggests that the vaccines were responsible for spurring the rapid spread of this deadly condition.
Similarly, cases of vaccine-associated polio paralysis (VAPP), a condition in which paralytic symptoms similar or identical to those caused by wild-type polio manifest themselves following the administration of polio vaccines, are also on the rise. Not only are the paralysis symptoms associated with NPAFP and VAPP typically far worse than those brought about by wild-type polio, but they can also accompany other negative side effects including neurological damage.
Far from being a success, in other words, India's polio vaccine campaign appears to have induced a new epidemic of a much worse type of polio-related paralysis that is even more deadly than the first one. And based on the figures, overall rates of NPAFP in particular are now 12 times higher in India following the polio vaccine campaigns, with some areas of the country reporting rates as elevated as 35 times higher.
India spent billions on the polio eradication scam when it could have used that money to improve water and sanitation. According to the IJME report, the entire polio vaccine scam in India was spawned from initial grants made by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and various other groups that claimed the program would eventually pay off. But the overall costs once India started paying for the program quickly ballooned to more than 100 times the initial investment amount, with more than $2.5 billion and counting still being funneled into it.
"The Indian government finally had to fund this hugely expensive program, which cost the country 100 times more than the value of the initial grant," write the authors. "From India's perspective the exercise has been extremely costly both in terms of human suffering and in monetary terms. It is tempting to speculate what could have been achieved if the $2.5 billion spent on attempting to eradicate polio were spent on water and sanitation and routine immunization."
In their conclusion, the authors basically decry what Bill Gates and the others have done by injecting monetary grants for the program, noting that it epitomizes "nearly everything that is wrong with donor funded 'disease specific' vertical projects at the cost of investments in community-oriented primary health care (horizontal programs)."
Anonymous, you are just being silly now. The same thing happens everywhere a polio eradication program is happening, not because the vaccine causes it, but because they are heavily looking for acute flaccid paralysis to be assured of the vaccines efficacy. Something I thought was so import to you. In the US from 1989-1991 there were increasingly greater numbers of NPAFP reported. In only a few cases were they even comparable to the paralysis caused by polio. Most were caused by a group B strep infection.
DeleteYou have to have some kind of common sense when you are reading these things. The people you are getting your information from are lying to you.
That's rediculous. So what your saying is that normally people don't notice babies and kids suddenly being unable to walk or breath!
DeleteOh and the fact that they have just received a vaccine is purely a co incidence.
Thanks Pooper, that's really cleared it up, funny thing medical science, takes the bloody obvious and makes it really complex!
No, you cannot understand simple cause and effect. The NPAFP was being reported because they were asked to report any AFP, whereas before it was just reported as a GBS infection or a nervous system disorder. Also, it had nothing to do with the timing of immunization.
DeletePoops dropped this medico logic on us, againg" The NPAFP was being reported because they were asked to report any AFP, whereas before it was just reported as a GBS infection or a nervous system disorder. Also, it had nothing to do with the timing of immunization. "
DeleteWhat is up your arse here Pooper? That's like another vaccine gambit: The vaccine itself wasn't the problem it was the process that did it? It wasn't the fall off the cliff that killed the person it was the sudden stop at the end!
How far does a vaccine believer have to go before the spear sticking out of ones arse becomes a problem?
Brilliant, before the vaccine the stats on non polio flaccid paralysis were not a stat. Vaccine comes in and suddenly they find 47,500 cases of non polio paralysis that according to you they weren't aware of! That's vaccine belief for you, extraordinary Sully, bit like the second coming, or resurrection or claiming a victory for a political mandate!
DeleteIf pointing out the totally obvious to you and you don't get it is silly you can't be a scientist or a rational human being, so what are you?
This site is a very large chocolate teapot.
It's a shame a nice girl like Ditzy is pretending to be all coy and then quotes a pile of medico nonsense! The school girl/rotwieller scientist is a weird hybird, but nice try. Bet your best friend is Orac!
ReplyDeleteCalling names and making accusations don't win your argument. Care to give us some facts? Or should we just not expect any facts and continue to read your endless drivel?
DeleteI would imagine any citations would come from the very people who lied to anonymous in the first place. What good would that do?
Delete@ Reuben and Sullivan: I'd *settle* for any citation...even from the notorious anti-vaccine websites :-)
DeleteHow about "Largest ever randomised controlled vaccine study was for the BCG, 273,000 more of the vaccinated people contracted Tb than the non vaccinated." Indian Lancet!
DeleteSorry that was slightly wrong, more people contracted TB in the vaccinated group and both the control which not received vaccine and the vaccinated group were the same size 273,000, followed for 20 years!
DeleteFor some medical peer reviewed reason this is the only vaccine that has undergone this type of proper study, one wonders why the rest have not!
These are the kind of logical questions the ordinary citizen is entitled to ask and get a reply from so your AB bill has about as much balance and logic as a banker.
I see no ordinary citizens posting Ladypants so looks like you little scam has drawn zero, again!
I wonder why Ladyarse can't respond to this evidence of total TB vaccine failure? Stunned at the reality you are totally up yourself with wrong
DeleteAnonymous: BCG vaccine only provides partial protection for infants and young children who are at great risk for TB meningitis...a very serious bacterial disease that, if the child survives TB meningitis, most often they are left with profound neurological deficits.
DeleteWhy don't you link to the article about BCG we could all see it? You seem to have misinterpreted your own let us all see if you again misinterpreted the article. Too scared to link to it?
The first posting was not me, anonymous doesn't distinguish it. If you were a scientist you would know how to look that up, if you are one and they didn't tell you in your training about the TB vaccine disaster you need to come up to speed.
DeleteSo here is a clue it was published in the Indian Lancet.
" BCG vaccine only provides partial protection for infants and young children who are at great risk for TB meningitis." Ladyballs
So hang on, it only provides 'partial protection', considering there are no modern RCT placebo trials on vaccines how do you know that the partial protection isn't natural immunity and that the larger total failure is because, like the Indian trial - the vaccine doesn't work but actually causes TB?
If this was a homeopathic claim to efficacy you would tear it to shreds, so again your position comes down to the fact that all you have is a belief system that vaccines 'work'. Work is an intersting concept, in the current Pertussis outbreaks in the US officials tell us it's not vaccine refusal causing it but the natural 'cylical changes'.
I love this get out clause, so when there is an outbreak in a populus that has 'vaccine protection' here its the natural cycle, not vaccine failure!
Thank the lord you are not my physician and I am not even religious, we need protection against numbskulls like you not laws mandating this stupidity.
Breaking another commandment, Anonymous?
DeleteThou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.
What lord god Billy Gates? Depends on how many shares he has in the vaccine companies making the woo.
DeleteBreaking another commandment again?
You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
Again, you break another commandment.
All this religious vaccine nonsense is getting boring, how about discussing the Polio vaccine disaster going on in India right now, get with the programme and stop trying to create smokescreens to avoid the discussion Lilady.
Delete"Bill Gates does not make vaccines and the vaccine derived polio is the live attenuated polio virus that has mutated back to the wild type pathogenic form. It is not more deadly or new it is the same. If India continues to be polio free and only vaccine derived polio infects are found than they can switch to the killed polio vaccination as the US has done."
ReplyDeleteNo, but he has shares in the vaccine companies and that is a conflict of interest. So hang on a minute the vaccine has 'reverted' and is now causing a new disease with a new name that is clinically indistinguisable from Polio but because you have had the vaccine you can't call it Polio! If that's not weasle words then what is? Bollocks Of course there is no 'research' to say it's true but that's the nature of medical peer review, make damn sure their aint!
No, you are completely lost. The live attenuated virus vaccines cause the immunized person to shed viral particles. In 1 in 1,000,000 vaccines the viral particle will mutate back to the wild type virus and can cause an infection in an unvaccinated individual that comes into contact with it. I thought that was what you were talking about. Then I realized it was something even more ridiculous and answered that for you too.
DeleteWhere on earth did you dig this fable up Pooper, I am lost is this the get out clause or the santa claus mantra?
DeleteSo when exactly did you study this? Or did you cut and paste it from one of those dreadful septic sites under instruction?
Real information is easy to find. Why don't you try the "History of vaccines" course offered for free at corsica. Perhaps then you can stop making a fool out of yourself.
DeleteIf I wanted to study mythology I'd read Harry Potter! The problem all you guys have is that you are reading off the same hymn sheet and someone told you the only 'evidence' you can have is that which is begot from those who propergate the guana.
DeleteIf the consequences of your sincerity were not such a human disaster it would be very funny.
I still find it hard to believe that 'health policies' are formulated by jerks like you and all you have to say about the matter is 'medical peer review', what an arse.
You know you are really making a fool out of yourself here, anonymous.
DeleteYour mangled language usage, your juvenile filthy words and your utter lack of basic science concepts are truly amazing.
Septicus Psalm 4 chapter 2 "You know you are really making a fool out of yourself here, anonymous.Your mangled language usage, your juvenile filthy words and your utter lack of basic science concepts are truly amazing." Ladypants your ability to quote the lord is very impressive. Are you sure that you are not a disciple of Bishop Oracus, your ability to disengage is palpable.
DeleteBreaking the 9th commandment again, Anonymous?
DeleteYou shall not bear false witness against your neighbor
So this is the vaccine debate: if you agree with us you are ok, if you don't there is no debate just a pile of woo!
DeleteThis is Mcscience at its best
Well then Anonymous, show us your evidence.
DeleteWhich, judging from your postings, you have little to none at all.
Uh when I and others show you evidence that vaccination is a total failure, published in your woo journals for some reason you go blind! Is that because you are a vaccine believer or maybe have a problem with understanding the process of reading? Tell us Lilady cos you predictable denials are getting very boring.
DeleteIt's amazing how flies flock to shit!
ReplyDeleteAnd's it's amazing that Anonymous hasn't said anything of worth.
DeleteIt's amazing how Lilady can be so embarressed at his avatar that now she is anonymous too!
DeleteAnd its amazing how predictable you go to insults as well.
DeletePS: I'm not lilady, I'm Anonymous.
No you aren't, you are Lilady! I can tell by the smell of your writing, that exorcist style vaccine ranting, it can't be wrong, why is the ship sinking! The word of OraC is all powerful, no one shall take his name in vane.........
DeleteSorry. Its not new Polio it's the same with a new name! How medically scientific, thanks for enlightening me!
ReplyDeleteCan you be enlightened? This post seems to say no.
DeleteWell I don't know about you Pooper but I am not a believer so the idea of this enlightenment you speak of smells a bit really!
DeleteI understand that it is easier to be uneducated and you might not like the work. Perhaps you should stop discussing subjects you know nothing about.
DeleteAh, the 'you don't believe so are uneducated gambit' this reads like some septic divine direction, looks like you've got the job of defending the faith.
DeleteSo Sully when you're not looking at your Iphone or posting on fxxxbook what do you do exactly?
Ah, the insult, the typical last gambit of the antivaxer who knows he/she is defeated.
DeleteAh the gambit, the last post of the Ladypants hider who knows she can no longer bear to read the overwhelming evidence that vaccination is medical woo, withdrawing to control yet again.
DeleteThe fog lifts:
So if vaccination was such a great idea how come you are having such a hard time convincing everyone?
Proving my point, going to insults.
DeleteThanks for the admission that you are wrong, Anonymous.
Come on Lilady, read the reviews on vaccine failures in medical peer reviewed journals, don't get distracted with smokescreens, read, engage and debate. Leave the playground behind.
DeleteSorry I got it wrong, it's not new Polio it's the same disease but the name is new! How scientific is that or I suppose it's medically scientific!
[citation needed]
Delete"Promoting one's negative view of vaccination is propaganda" Ladypants
ReplyDeleteTelling us that vaccinations only have positive trials published in peer reviewed medical journals is bullshit!
"Can you be enlightened? This post seems to say no." Pooper
Well I am not interested in devine provinance Sully, I came looking for science but found some kind of quasi religious dogma here on this site and unfortunately a load of bigoted twats who can only quote medical bibles!
It is the duty of the ordinary citizen to resist this centralised dictat and rest assured you shall wake every day and read a non believer shoving your medical anecdotes where the sun don't shine, I shit you not!
Well, you are one of the reasons I would never want to teach middle school even though they have better benefits than the university I teach at. Maybe come back in ten years and you can actually contribute to the conversation.
DeleteHere's some evidence that vaccines don't work and I got it from some jerk called Orac's website "Whooping cough cases in the U.S. have more than doubled since last year and could be the worst since 1959, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said.
DeleteIn its weekly Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, the agency focused on a pertussis epidemic in Washington state, where cases have increased by 1,300 percent from 2011 to 2012. By June 16th there were 2,520 cases, the highest number reported since 1942.
At a press briefing Dr. Anne Schuchat, director of the CDC’s National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases talked to reporters about the spread of the disease and why numbers have been going up. In Washington and the U.S., a growth in cases has been seen among infants under one year and children age 10, 13 and 14.
MORE: Jump in Vaccination Delays Seen in Oregon
“What is happening in Washington state is a reflection of the larger national picture,” she said, adding that the country may see record high pertussis rates this year. Nine deaths from whooping cough have been reported this year so far among roughly 18,000 cases that have reported to the CDC.
Schuchat said a number of factors are driving the increase. The disease is cyclical, she noted, with peaks and valleys that happen about every three to five years. Immunity to the vaccine could diminish over time. A rise in diagnoses and reporting of cases may influence the data as well.
Schuchat stopped short of blaming vaccine delayers and abstainers for the increase in cases. She said she’s aware of pockets around the country with large numbers of unvaccinated people, but added, “We don’t think (they) are driving this current wave. We think it is a bad thing that people aren't getting vaccinated or exempting, but we cannot blame this wave on that phenomenon.”
So there you have it, it's like money shares when they go up I don't get richer but when they go down we all get poorer. Even when vaccines have no impact on 'natural cycles' they still can't ask the question 'do they work'.
This is the worst kind of believer shit I have ever come across!
Anon is (as usual) misreading the evidence. What we are learning from this episode with pertussis is that the immunity conferred by the acellular formulation isn't as long-lasting as we thought. We've also learned that immunity conferred by acquiring the disease itself is shorter than previously thought.
DeleteYou might want to read this, Anon:
DeleteParental Refusal of Pertussis Vaccination Is Associated With an Increased Risk of Pertussis Infection in Children
Jason M. Glanz, PhDa,b, David L. McClure, PhDa, David J. Magid, MD, MPHa,b, Matthew F. Daley, MDa,c,d, Eric K. France, MD, MSPHe, Daniel A. Salmon, PhD, MPHf, Simon J. Hambidge, MD, PhDa,b,d,g
PEDIATRICS Vol. 123 No. 6 June 1, 2009
pp. 1446 -1451
(doi: 10.1542/peds.2008-2150)
"11% of all pertussis cases were attributed to parental vaccine refusal". from this paper: that means 89% were because the vaccine failed or caused Pertussis then. Brilliant!
DeleteIt is amazing that one expert tells us the increase in Pertussis has nothing to do with refusals as it's a 'cylical thang' and another study says refusers are at fault. I don't think you read any of this stuff Liz, 2 minutes and it falls to bits, thanks for the heads up.
I think you should contact Peter and get on his arsehole list asap!
Give it up're only making a fool of yourself.
DeleteIt's amazing that Anonymous has not contributed one piece of intelligent talk here.
DeleteProbably because it's all about typing. You started it, this site is like a literary choclate teapot!
DeleteAnd yet you were the first one throwing insults like a two year old with a temper tantrum, without a shred of evidence.
DeleteMeanwhile the provaxxers missed the evidence again in their own paper that pertussis vaccine is useless and that polio in India has just been 'rebranded' so nice to see medical Mcscience back on track.
Delete[citation needed]
DeleteIs that your response to everything, Lilady you have to start reading these medical peer reviewed journals yourself, I am not going to spoon feed you anymore. Vaccine efficacy stats are cooked, like the bigmax, there is nothing in it except woo.
Delete"There was no pandemic flu mythology. The same flu that caused a serious pandemic in the past resurged and everyone was nervous. Instead it did not cause a pandemic and taught us a lot about how the flu evades our immune system by antigenic drift and how a single antibody to one of the antigens can save lives." Poops
ReplyDeleteMore septic fallacy, this explains why the flu vaccine never works because nature is really clever! So we need lots of them, the idea that we are all nervous is a bit rich, considering most people completely ignored it! The nervous ones were those who made it
[citation needed]
DeleteLook it up yourself , 96 season study by Cochraine, there's a whole world of reason out there beyond pubmed.
DeleteDutzy said "It is my sense that the cost to California will be waste of public funds , and would be somewhat offset by deaths caused leading to savings in public health expenditures."
ReplyDeleteDutzy seems to have lost before he/she has started! and this is what she/he has got for her/his homework: LOL
ReplyDeleteSo far, this is what we know:
Silent or not stating position:
Senator Christine Kehoe (Dem) (Chair) Fax: 916-327-2188
Senator Elaine Alquist (Dem) Fax: 916-324-0283
Position unknown
Senator Ted W. Lieu (Dem) Fax: 916-323-6056
Senator Curren Price (Dem) Fax: (916) 445-8899
Senator Darrell Steinberg (Dem) Fax: 916-323-2263
Leaning toward opposition
Senator Bob Dutton (Rep) Fax: 916-327-2272
In opposition
Senator Mimi Walters (Rep) (Vice Chair) Fax: 916-445-9754
"Just because pharmaceutical companies are as corrupt as any other large corporation has nothing to do with vaccines" This has gotta win the onion for the best vaccinemyopia quote on this site.
ReplyDeleteI love the idea that criminal behaviour is ok if you are pretending to do some good!
If vaccination was what it said on the tin who couldn't support it, the reality is, lies, medical peer review (there is a slight difference and raw data/conclusion inversion syndrome.
Then we add layers of interesting marketing like the Dutzy cat and ladypants and we are on our way to a scientology/Mcdonalds/Ipnone take over bid for olympic sponsership!
All you have is medical peer review and this has given us gems like scamdemic woo/flu. The CDC should be indited on mass terrorism charges for the way they conned world governments and tv channels into beleving the last flu scamdemic.
You should be pround of your ability to spread crap
There are 100s of scientific peer review journals that deal with vaccinations like The Journal of virology, The Journal of Immunology, The Journal of Microbiology, just to name a couple and they are not medical journals. Can you at least try to find out as much as a 6th grader? It would be really helpful.
DeleteI would venture as far as referring Anon to the MMWR available each Friday morning and the monthly Emerging Infectious Diseases Journal...if Anon could read beyond a 4th grade level.
DeleteSo how exactly is 'immunology' not a medical peer reviewed journal, would I find it under cooking? or maybe witchcraft.
DeleteInterestingly, Immunology recently ran an article telling us that antibodies have little or no relationship to immunity so perhaps seeing as this totally shafts the 'theory of vaccination' maybe this journal has been excommunicated from the church of medical woo?
While the medical, pharmaceutical, and vaccine industries are busy pushing new vaccines for practically every condition under the sun, a new study published in the journal Immunity completely deconstructs the entire vaccination theory. It turns out that the body's natural immune systems, comprised of both innate and adaptive components, work together to ward off disease without the need for antibody-producing vaccines.
The theory behind vaccines is that they mimic infection by spurring B cells, one of the two major types of white blood cells in the immune system, to produce antibodies as part of the adaptive immune system. It is widely believed that these vaccine-induced antibodies, which are part of the more specific adaptive immune system, teach the immune system how to directly respond to an infection before the body becomes exposed to it.
But the new research highlights the fact that innate immunity plays a significant role in fighting infections, and is perhaps more important than adaptive immunity at preventing or fighting infections. In tests, adaptive immune system antibodies were shown unable to fight infection by themselves, which in essence debunks the theory that vaccine-induced antibodies serve any legitimate function in preventing or fighting off infection.
"Our findings contradict the current view that antibodies are absolutely required to survive infection with viruses like VSV (vesicular stomatitis virus), and establish an unexpected function for B cells as custodians of macrophages in antiviral immunity," said Dr. Uldrich H. von Andrian from Harvard Medical School. "It will be important to further dissect the role of antibodies and interferons in immunity against similar viruses that attack the nervous system, such as rabies, West Nile virus, and Encephalitis."
As explained by Dr. Russell Blaylock , vaccines not only do not work as advertised, but they actually damage the body's innate immunity. Rather than teach the body how to respond to infections, vaccines actually inhibit the immune system's ability to produce TH2-type cytokines, and suppress cellular immunity, which is how the body protects itself against deadly viruses and bacteria.
So once again, the myth that vaccinations serve any sort of legitimate medical purpose has been deconstructed by breakthrough science. Regardless of whether or not the mainstream medical community wants to admit it, pro-vaccine ideology is increasingly finding itself in the dustheap of outmoded pseudoscience.
So thanks ladypants, you can keep your medical comics to yourself.
Why would you ask that question? Immunology is a science, although there are clinical immunologists most people who have articles published in that journal are research immunologists. Medical journals deal with medicine and diseases. The Journal of Immunology deals with the biological processes of the immune system.
DeleteThen again we have a problem with understanding what you read, or getting your information from someone who doesn't understand it. Dr. Russel Blaylock unfortunately understands little about immune system. Which is understandable because little is known about how the immune system functions in the human brain. The problem comes in when he tries to act like an authority and gets everything wrong.
The article itself is about how antibodies are not required to fight off all viral infections. Unfortunately for natural news it has nothing to do with the vaccines that have already been approved. This is not the first time someone has discovered that fact and it is what makes it impossible to make vaccines for certain infections. Also, we know that often times antibodies can make infections worse. People with CF often have P. Aeruginosa infections in their lungs. P. Aeruginosa ready forms biofilms and making antibodies against it leads to severe damage to the hosts tissues and does nothing to fight the infection. Not to mention those same antibodies can bind an antigen associated with dental plaques. Dental plaques are also bacteria in biofilm, so the antibody does nothing to fight the infection and instead destroys the gums.
Now on to the misinformation about the innate immune system and Th2 which is a type of helper T cell. The innate immune system is always the first line of defense whether or not you have circulating antibodies or memory B cells. T cells are not activated until they receive signals from professional antigen presenting cells. The cellular immunity is the Th1 response. It activates killer T cells and opsonizing antibodies. The Th2 response is responsible for antibody switching and neutralizing antibodies. So Th1 kills infected cells, Th2 neutralizes acellular infections. When helper T cells commit to one or the other, this is antibody independent, cytokines are released by the T cells that inhibit the other reaction. This is the case no matter how you acquired the antigen.
Now on to vaccines. Vaccines are created with this in mind. To ensure a Th2 response antigens are conjugated to tetanus toxin. Tetanus toxin is very strong inducer of Th2 response. To ensure a Th1 response, and this is granted very recent but so is our knowledge of this process, DNA vaccines are used. Before DNA vaccines we used to use whole cell vaccines to induce Th1 responses.
So once again the anti-vax misunderstanding of science has been deconstructed through actual knowledge and continues to become less and less relevant with every new finding.
I love this, Sully the pooper has nothing published anywhere, but doesn't like this article that tells us why vaccines don't work. All you can do is diss the article, so why haven't you written to Immunology and pointed out that their article is totally wrong and sort this out.
DeleteIn short it is because you are a vaccine believer and unable to comprehend that the horse you have backed is trying to climb a tree.
People often refer to pro vaxxers as some kind of flat earthers and I now see why.
"Show us your citations to prove that it wasn't a pandemic." Ladypoops. Uh if you need some crackpot magazine to publish an article telling us that swine flu didn't happen then were you one of those who sat in fear at home? I don't know anyone studpid enough to have gone and got a shot, did you?
ReplyDeleteThe CDC should be renamed the centre for mass terrorism. The only positive thing about all this was that Mexico city had one of the highest murder rates per capita than any other city in the world, cos everyone stayed at home through flu fear this murder rate plummeted but that's no excuse for spreading rumours but then again that is what the whole vaccine scam is about.
Ah, the conspiracy theory gambit, the last straw for an individual who has no basis for an argument.
DeleteThe earth is flat, Bill Gates is god, injecting my kids with flawed hypothesis is good for shares.
DeleteAh, more conspiracy theory from anonymous.
DeleteVaccine not working is not a conspiracy Lilady, it's happening right now at a cinema near you. You are playing the game of the vaccine believer and that is no defense in a modern scientific rational world.
DeleteWritten by: Anonymous#2: You pro-vaccine people want some facts- here's some for you straight from this little thing called REALITY: When I was in elementary school in the 1960's I only received the polio shot. There were no other vaccines then like there are now. In the 5th grade I got the Mumps. In the 6th grade I got the Measles. Guess what? In both cases my mom kept me home and gave me good old-fashioned chicken noodle soup and other natural things until I was well, and then I went back to school. There was no pandemic! The school didn't shut down! And when I went back to school all the other kids in my class were there! And it gets even better! There were 6 of us kids in the family and when one of us got the Chicken Pox my mom let us all play together and we all got it from each other and now we are immune- the natural way. And there was NO PANDEMIC, and THE SCHOOL DIDN'T SHUT DOWN!
ReplyDeleteAnd I don't get a flu shot, or any other Flavor-of-the-Month vaccine. I let my own immune system handle it and if it seems like it needs help I take- GASP!-natural supplements! And I get well! I haven't been to a conventional doctor in 14 years! I only see holistic/integrative MDs. I am 52 years old, I have the bone density of a 20 year old, my homocysteine level is perfect (because I take supplements), I have perfect digestion (don't take meds because I take probiotics and enzymes), etc. I do have to take Levothyroxine for hypothyroidism (under-active) most undoubtedly due to the harmful effects of the flouride forced on us in the water supply for years. And that med is compounded by a compounding pharmacy (also an enemy of Big Pharma).
ALL children deserve a healthy start in life with a fully functioning immune system. Stop thinking you can prevent disease by taking over Mother Nature's job with your pro-vaccine stance!
Even if you truly believe vaccines are the way to go, think about this- ALL parents want to retain their constitutional, religious, and moral rights regarding their children's healthcare. Vaccines are a medical procedure. That's a FACT. Take this bill AB2109 and take the word "vaccine" out of it. Should anyone have to get permission to opt out of ANY medical procedure! This Bill is about more than just making sure parents have enough info about vaccines before they refuse them. Which, by the way, parents who refuse vaccines for their children already HAVE the info they need- that's why they refuse them! They've listened to integrative doctors and researched for themselves. This Bill is the tip of the ice berg because of what it will lead to- more chipping away of our FREEDOM, especially parental rights! Imagine if this passes and some time from now you as an adult for the first time have to go to your doctor to get permission to opt out of a medical procedure that until then you just chose not to do because you felt you didn't need it. And along with this procedure are risks and expense that you don't want. THAT IS WHAT PARENTS WILL GO THROUGH IF THIS BILL PASSES! We don't need our healthcare choices DICTATED TO US! We don't want this country to become a DICTATORSHIP!
There are hundreds of thousands of children out there right now who haven't been vaccinated, far more than you realize, for years and because their own immune systems are strong because they haven't been messed with and altered by vaccines they are actually better able to fend off illness and resolve it quickly, thereby REDUCING any spread to other children.
This Bill is an attempt to slowly reduce and take away parental rights for ALL PARENTS! There may come a day when even pro-vaccinators are faced with repercussions of this Bill that they never imagined would stem from it.
Protect yourself and your children! Protect your PARENTAL RIGHTS! Please DO NOT support this dangerous, precedent setting, Bill!
Written by: A researcher and homeschool mom. You've just been SCHOOLED!
Much obliged to you for giving such essential data, and a debt of gratitude is for sharing this issue.