Oh the "more vaccines makes the infant mortality go up" canard AND the "vaccines didn't save us canard". Straight out of the vaccine rejectionists' playbook. For the former, see Science Based Medicine. For the latter, see Respectful Insolence.
Whitaker wants the vaccine consult to mis-state the evidence. Unvaccinated children not health risks? Tell that to all the infants who contracted measles from unvaccinated children.
How is a simple conversation "harassment"?
The government mandates behavior all the time. Think of seat belts.
Whitaker probably doesn't know that the awards amount to about 1.3 awards per million doses of vaccines. No, he's using the "the amount awarded is so large, vaccines must be dangerous". Nope. I have no idea what the 40 million children are.
Will parents be told the truth about the risks? I hope so. Again and again, the risks of all diseases we vaccinate against are much higher than the risks form the vaccination.
The Merck suit is the new stick to convince people that all pharma is corrupt.
I shouldn't be surprised. This is how Whitaker describes himself on his facebook page:
A pioneer of alternative medicine, Dr. Whitaker is an expert on nutritional supplementation and has been offering guidance on natural therapies for over 30 years.
DescriptionHe blames vaccines for autism and other disorders.
Julian Whitaker, MD - For more than 30 years, I've been practicing alternative medicine and giving my patients drug-free and surgery-free options for heart disease, diabetes, and other common conditions.
And he's actually proud of being recognized by a predatory quack:
•30th Anniversary Award of Excellence, Burzynski Clinic, 2008
And by other quacks.
•American Physician Award, Reflexology of America, 2006
" How is a simple conversation "harassment"?
ReplyDeleteBecause Liz it is not a balanced conversation, it is a devisive one, it assumes that the evidence being presented is true and accurate because a doctor is giving it. Most of the evidence being presented is from peer reviewed medical journals from the companies that make the vaccines, we now know that GSK for example is a fraudulent data constructor and is therefore openly discredited.
Making an informed choice is about looking at all the evidence, not just the bit that is pro vaccination.
"The Merck suit is the new stick to convince people that all pharma is corrupt."
ReplyDeleteWell they are, how many vaccine manufacturers do you need for a cohort of liars? Seems like you are in denial of evidence against vaccination and a believer in woo.
Anonymous writes,
ReplyDeleteit assumes that the evidence being presented is true and accurate because a doctor is giving it.
First of all, AB 2109 does not limit the conversation to parents and MDs. Many other health professionals are named in the bill, including naturopaths and qualified nurse-practitioners.(1)
Secondly, the evidence for the safety and efficacy is overwhelmingly positive (2, 3, 4). The evidence for the truth and accuracy the common reasons given for vaccine refusal is weak to non-existent. (5)
1. http://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billNavClient.xhtml?bill_id=201120120AB2109&search_keywords=
2. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22843005
3. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22504410
4. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20450324
5. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0264410X11019086.